My day job view what I really want to do....
this is a subject that holds much consternation among my peers right now. It seems upon meeting a group of us, a young bitch....Ahem....Young lady said "Gee (insert name here), it seems all of your friends say they do one thing but don't do the things they really love." Oh! What insight! What clear unmuddled vision she has. To think, that a person in today's world would hope to work in the profession or field that they love, but actually.... GASP!... Work in another field?! Preposterous! OK, any prissy beyatch or a__hole who wants to point out the obvious character flaws in me and my mates can kiss my ass. In the center of the vortex.
With tongue.
Alas, the reality of it all and oh the sting! Unfortunately she was accurate...To a degree. Myself, I have devoted much time and effort to my pursuits. I have studied martial arts for 23 years now, many disciplines, and many instructors and yet I have still yet to have it be my major source of income. My day job is as a security system installer for commercial and residential customers and you better believe that my knowledge of martial arts gets applied here. Also, I've worked as a PI, a doorman, a bouncer, a instructor and consultant. Yet this bitch can measure us with her one look and 15 minutes of info and say that crap. Hope you read this and realize you are a idiot, and yet I'm sure you would be indignant and say..... blah blah whatever. I'm not the only example. Three of the people under the microscope are artists. Any one know how difficult it is to be a full time artist raise your hand. Sure as taxes and stars in the sky, art is a competitive field. These 3 artists have entered many competitions, have had many commissioned pieces, have spent many hours fine tuning their skills for this college educated moron to look at them thru degree tinted lenses and say "their not doing what they dream to."
To say the least this incenses me.
this is a subject that holds much consternation among my peers right now. It seems upon meeting a group of us, a young bitch....Ahem....Young lady said "Gee (insert name here), it seems all of your friends say they do one thing but don't do the things they really love." Oh! What insight! What clear unmuddled vision she has. To think, that a person in today's world would hope to work in the profession or field that they love, but actually.... GASP!... Work in another field?! Preposterous! OK, any prissy beyatch or a__hole who wants to point out the obvious character flaws in me and my mates can kiss my ass. In the center of the vortex.
With tongue.
Alas, the reality of it all and oh the sting! Unfortunately she was accurate...To a degree. Myself, I have devoted much time and effort to my pursuits. I have studied martial arts for 23 years now, many disciplines, and many instructors and yet I have still yet to have it be my major source of income. My day job is as a security system installer for commercial and residential customers and you better believe that my knowledge of martial arts gets applied here. Also, I've worked as a PI, a doorman, a bouncer, a instructor and consultant. Yet this bitch can measure us with her one look and 15 minutes of info and say that crap. Hope you read this and realize you are a idiot, and yet I'm sure you would be indignant and say..... blah blah whatever. I'm not the only example. Three of the people under the microscope are artists. Any one know how difficult it is to be a full time artist raise your hand. Sure as taxes and stars in the sky, art is a competitive field. These 3 artists have entered many competitions, have had many commissioned pieces, have spent many hours fine tuning their skills for this college educated moron to look at them thru degree tinted lenses and say "their not doing what they dream to."
To say the least this incenses me.
The most important question: is she doing what she wants to be doing in life. if she is than it better be a pretty cool occupation. if it is boring bullshit than she's happy with whatever is available she has no vision, no desire to be something great, she is average. so what. I share your frustration. diagnosis: promorphication of self. seems to be rampant these days.
I was one of the aforementioned people whom she was referring to. But if you follow the stories of people who end up doing what they dream, it NEVER starts that way. Actresses wait tables. Artists have day jobs. Writers dream of their stories while selling fast food. We all do this. And that's what is not only inspiring, but the deciding factor as to who succeeds and who doesn't. Some are content to stay where they are...and there are some of us who have been trudging forever toward our dreams since we learned to crawl. To this, I laugh in her general direction and toss her the Vulcan Greeting. AH-HA! Apparently she doesn't know the chronological order of the steps leading to success in our lives. Maybe she needs to watch "True Hollywood Story" or "Behind the Music" if she's going to sit on her fat ass and be content to wallow in her own self-glorification.
Let's consider SELF for a second. Success must be defined from within, as does happiness. Looking to the world for approval and praise leads, most often to disappointment.
The key to success lies in perusing the things that not only give you great joy, but also the things that you have the most passion for. Discerning the TRUE passion is the key to starting to move in that direction. I believe that anything that you would do for free, is also something that you would ultimately find as being close to your true passion.
Getting to the point where you are able to dedicate the time and effort to building a reputation is the toughest thing to do in our society. The need for monitory compensation is so great in our society that it becomes the primary motivator for our pursuits and ultimately causes stress and unhappiness.
Dedicate 2 hours per day to your passion and do it for free. By building the reputation and starting spread the word about your passion for whatever it is, you are not only building your technique or skills in that area, but you are gaining confidence and building relationships with people who share the same interest. It is inevitable that you will eventually encounter the right set of circumstances and individuals that will help you get to the next level (getting paid). Word of mouth and networking are very powerful things and they are the driving force behind most successful people.
Others see the passion in your eyes (see your other listing relating to what the eyes tell) and respond to that.
Think back to school. What were the most memorable classes? Probably the ones that were taught by teachers who were teaching their passion. If you were going to look to someone for advice on a subject, would you go to the person that gives the un inspired answer, the person that is not passionate about their craft? I wouldn't.
Seek ye, people with the same passions and interests and great things will happen.
Be ye, the person with the passion and interests that is sought and all things will happen.
Compare yourself not to others, but to what you know that your are capable of.
Finally, bragging, comparatively judgmental words are thrown by insecure people who are looking to justify their own life choices, because their sense of success is defined to them by the world around them. These people generally will experience only a limited career in their field because they lack the true passion to motivate them to greater things beyond the expected norm.
Peace and Love
Follow your Dreams
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