Sunday, April 10, 2005

Dissection of the Phony

Have you ever met someone who is "nice" and says hello, but then their body language and lack of eye contact tells you a different story? I'm tired of phony people with their 1/2 believable behavior. They are full of crap, too insincere to tell you what they feel, and too weak to back their true feelings.
Here is how to tell a phony:

1. Lack of eye contact--- The phony doesn't want to look at you, doesn't want to reveal information thru their eyes. "The eyes are the window to the soul" You can look into your Mothers eyes and see her love for you, you can look into a police officer's eyes as he hands you a ticket and see his disappointment, you can look into the eyes of your lover and see passion or hurt. You can look into a strangers eyes and see their interest, their revulsion, or that their thoughts are occupied. This works with the phony and they know it, so they conceal their eyes behind tinted lenses, or large glasses. Or they uncannily will look the other way when they speak with you. Your friend will look you in the eyes as you speak, because they like you and they are interested in what you have to say. The phony will not, or they will be "Too Interested" and say words to what you say like they were listening to Plato speak to the Romans for the first time. "Wow! Great! Super fascinating! You are soooo smart!" People can hurt you with their eyes, intimidate you, violate you, pierce through you, seduce you, mesmerize you, question you.....on and on. Be aware of the eyes and what they portend. By the way, for the emails that may come, people with diseases of the eyes, or poor vision, of course these would be factors in reading the eyes of someone.



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