Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Slide Resistant Floors!

"Dear Diary,
My only privacy is in the bathroom. Not only do I have to masturbate here, but I have to surf, blog and Myspace here. Luckily it is totally private and quiet. NO ONE knows what I do."


Misunderstood Hero's

+--------------- Bizarre Legendary Monsters ---------------+

With the alleged "monkey man" running rampant in India, here is a list of other creatures that have wreaked havoc through-out history.

THE BEAST OF TRURO - As pet cats were found slaughtered in the Cape Cod area of Massachusetts, speculation grew as to whether the beast was a mountain lion even though none existed in the region. Its identity remains a mystery today.

GOATMAN - Described as having the upper body of a human, the legs of a goat and cloven hooves, Goatman has been known to leap out on unsuspecting courting couples parked in lover's lanes in Virginia. It is theorized that the creature was the result of a science experiment on goats that went wrong.

THE JERSEY DEVIL - The story goes that somewhere in the wooded Pine Barrens area of New Jersey lurks a monster with a large horse-like head, wings and a long serpent's body. In 1951, strange screams were heard coming from the woods, which were said to be the cry of the Jersey Devil.

MO-MO - In the summer of 1971, two girls stopped for a picnic near the town of Louisiana, Missouri, when a half- ape half human emerged from some bushes and tried to break into their car. Monster hunts in the area failed to reveal the culprit.

THE FLATHEAD LAKE MONSTER - Visitors to Flathead Lake, Montana, have sometimes spotted something "huge and black" in the water. A major sighting was in 1963 by Ronald Nixon who calculated the creature to be around 25ft long. A reward was offered for the first good photograph of the beast went unclaimed.

Don't forget the jackalope man. 1/2 Jack Rabbit, 1/2 Antelope, and 1/2 Man. Created from a bizarre nocturnal discharge by campers in Clear Creek County, Colorado.
