Monday, April 25, 2005

Some people know all about shameless_self promotion. (Note *some guy in a costume not some famous character...ok?)
Vulcan Greeting

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

When asked these ladies replied "We LOVE drinking with your Dad!"
Vulcan Greeting

Drinking With Your Dad

Yesterday I went and had a beer with my Dad. The bar was close to our homes which are within a short driving distance to one another. I had gotten off work early, and just had the urge to call my Dad. He was having a beer with my Aunt and Uncles, whom live close by. I went over to the tavern he was at and sat at the bar. My Dad seems to know ALL the bars within like a 10 mile distance. Dad even knows bars in distant parts of the state! I have often had a beer with my Dad, and I always learn something new about him, or what's going on with the family. Dad always likes to tell people at the bar about me, which usually makes me feel good. We get up to date, and usually tell eachother funny stories that have happened to us, as well as latest gripes. I used to resent my Dad only seeming to want to talk, while at a bar. But I've come to appreciate it. I usually buy a round, and then he does even though he is on a tight budget. The multiple Elvis paraphernalia around the bar amused me, and the barmaid kept offering pitchers even though the happy hour special was better. Cops and animal shows dominate the two TV screens, and when the channel is changed to Fear Factor everyone excitedly talks and watches with interest. Bars are funny places. Sometimes the meanest looking dudes are the friendliest and of course sometimes not. Of course, the more you drink the cuter the women get.... But I've never met a woman at a bar that ended up in more than small talk. I'm just cursed/blessed that way I guess. The reverse is true for my Dad. He could have women 20 years younger dancing with him, lowering their necklines, and buying him drinks. (Much to the consternation of Mom!) We are opposites in a lot of ways. Dad says a little but says a lot. I talk and talk and reiterate the same point, detailing everything out. His eyes can say more than most people. When I was little, his looks could say it all. "Quit messing around!" "Your asking for it!" or "Look out!" Dad would give me advice, I'd commit it to memory, and not appreciate it. 25 Years later, I am remembering his words and often go "Dang, why didn't I listen to Dad?" I always learn a lot at the bar when I go, and it isn't often anymore. I tend to over imbibe on a ascending scale. But when I go and hang out with Dad, I really like it. Wonder what my daughter will do with me in 10 years? Hopefully we can find the equivalent, not necessarily at a bar. Have you ever drank with your parents? Try it out if you can, or whatever their place is. You might learn a lot if your willing to play on their home turf. Cya!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Is JJ saying what she really means?
Vulcan Greeting

Dissection of the Phony: Pt. 2


2. The phony will interact with other people differently than you--- The phony isn't perfect. When their friends or relatives are about, they will treat them more genuinely. probably not the absolute best, but you will see a different side to them. Then they will walk up to you, and treat you the same as they did before. This tool is kinda like taking a tape measure and comparing it to another tape measure to make sure it's accurate. Another bizarre but beneficial behavior is that when their mate or closest confidant is around they will slip.... And the truth will pop out. Ever have this happen to you? I'd like to hear some stories. The phony may be trying too hard to mimic you and your behavior. This can be pretty hard to spot, but ties into Pt. 1 where they use words that make you sound great great great and are riveted to every last word you say. Someone who is genuine might like some of what you say and disagree with some. On the same line, if you can get a rise out of a suspected phony they will have an emotional response and let their facade fall. Maybe a little. Over the long haul, the phony will lower their guard until before you know it they are treating you bad and your just sitting there taking it. It was sooo gradual you didn't notice. Cont...

Monday, April 11, 2005

The ButtonSpider knows all about survival. Here one eats some snake tar tar.
Vulcan Greeting

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Is this a phony?
Vulcan Greeting

Dissection of the Phony

Have you ever met someone who is "nice" and says hello, but then their body language and lack of eye contact tells you a different story? I'm tired of phony people with their 1/2 believable behavior. They are full of crap, too insincere to tell you what they feel, and too weak to back their true feelings.
Here is how to tell a phony:

1. Lack of eye contact--- The phony doesn't want to look at you, doesn't want to reveal information thru their eyes. "The eyes are the window to the soul" You can look into your Mothers eyes and see her love for you, you can look into a police officer's eyes as he hands you a ticket and see his disappointment, you can look into the eyes of your lover and see passion or hurt. You can look into a strangers eyes and see their interest, their revulsion, or that their thoughts are occupied. This works with the phony and they know it, so they conceal their eyes behind tinted lenses, or large glasses. Or they uncannily will look the other way when they speak with you. Your friend will look you in the eyes as you speak, because they like you and they are interested in what you have to say. The phony will not, or they will be "Too Interested" and say words to what you say like they were listening to Plato speak to the Romans for the first time. "Wow! Great! Super fascinating! You are soooo smart!" People can hurt you with their eyes, intimidate you, violate you, pierce through you, seduce you, mesmerize you, question you.....on and on. Be aware of the eyes and what they portend. By the way, for the emails that may come, people with diseases of the eyes, or poor vision, of course these would be factors in reading the eyes of someone.


Friday, April 08, 2005

Johnny says" Live long and prosper"
Vulcan Greeting

Museum Trip

Last weekend, ButtonSpider, Unis_im_somnis, and our gelflings went to the museum. We discussed the mars explorer Spirit with the sexy south American volunteer, at length mind you, then headed to the main attraction: Dinosaurs!!! Anyone whose been to a exhibit knows there is a little film at the beginning. Some dorky teen age dude ran in and furiously started absorbing the film (you could just tell, ok?) then in walks his mother. She says out loud "I thought you wanted to go see the dinosaurs?!" he says "Mom!" and absorbs more at a faster pace. She replies "Well I thought you wanted to see the dinosaurs?!" He gets up and jets to the main exhibit. In the meanwhile, we're all thinking: "For crap sakes, come on! I wanna watch the flippin' movie!" She stands in front of the screen literally waggles her finger disapprovingly at the room and says "This is not Christian!" Holds her nose high, and with a halo garishly topping her mantle leaves the room. Buttonspider immediately says out loud "Oh geeze" (astute perception my friend, Freudian slip for Jesus) and literally waves his arm dismissively at her. "Then you shouldn't be in the museum lady!" I was like "what did she say?" being 1/2 chronically out of it for a C.N.* Then we collectively hissed at her.
What the?
Why was that lady there? Her poor son, how embarrassing eh? ButtonSpider is quick on the arm waving. I know, I know....Anti-Christian. NO.
I consider myself a Christian (here we go) and I was raised Catholic. But man the nerve of that lady. That boy of hers ain't never gonna get laid. And ultimately What the hell was she doing in the evolution ridden section of the museum????
and ButtonSpider? Is he anti? I don't think so, I feel he just was like "What the?????" I admire that quality!

*C.N. = CableNinja

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Vulcan Greeting

My day job view what I really want to do....

this is a subject that holds much consternation among my peers right now. It seems upon meeting a group of us, a young bitch....Ahem....Young lady said "Gee (insert name here), it seems all of your friends say they do one thing but don't do the things they really love." Oh! What insight! What clear unmuddled vision she has. To think, that a person in today's world would hope to work in the profession or field that they love, but actually.... GASP!... Work in another field?! Preposterous! OK, any prissy beyatch or a__hole who wants to point out the obvious character flaws in me and my mates can kiss my ass. In the center of the vortex.
With tongue.
Alas, the reality of it all and oh the sting! Unfortunately she was accurate...To a degree. Myself, I have devoted much time and effort to my pursuits. I have studied martial arts for 23 years now, many disciplines, and many instructors and yet I have still yet to have it be my major source of income. My day job is as a security system installer for commercial and residential customers and you better believe that my knowledge of martial arts gets applied here. Also, I've worked as a PI, a doorman, a bouncer, a instructor and consultant. Yet this bitch can measure us with her one look and 15 minutes of info and say that crap. Hope you read this and realize you are a idiot, and yet I'm sure you would be indignant and say..... blah blah whatever. I'm not the only example. Three of the people under the microscope are artists. Any one know how difficult it is to be a full time artist raise your hand. Sure as taxes and stars in the sky, art is a competitive field. These 3 artists have entered many competitions, have had many commissioned pieces, have spent many hours fine tuning their skills for this college educated moron to look at them thru degree tinted lenses and say "their not doing what they dream to."
To say the least this incenses me.